We welcome children from all backgrounds and beliefs. Parents need to be aware that the school comes from a strong
Christian tradition and teaches from a Biblical perspective, but there is no requirement that families should be Christian

To apply for a place at AHIS-SR please provide the following for each child:

  • A completed application form
  • Recent passport photos (KG1-3 : 2 passport photos; Years 4-10 : 4 passport photos)
  • A recent school report
  • Copy of student’s birth certificate
  • Copy of vaccination record
  • A non-refundable application fee of $25 (currently reduced to $15)
  • A non-refundable testing fee of $25 (currently waived)
  • Once you have completed the application form, please deliver in person to our school office at

Asian Hope International School


Sala Kheav Road, Tropang Treng Village, Sala Kamruek, Siem Reap, 171204

Children may be required to sit an assessment that helps us place them in the right groups. An appointment for this
assessment will be made after the application has been received