“God claims sovereignty over the lives of children as over all Creation. Men and women have no mandate from God to destroy or defile Creation; indeed, God’s Word extends the responsibility of protecting and safeguarding children – not just to a parent’s own offspring but also to the stranger and orphan (Deut. 24:17). …Jesus approached children compared to the prevailing cultural mores, changing both the status and role of the child in religious thought. Not only did Jesus extend rights to children as individuals, he also made clear that God sees children as individuals. Jesus treated children not as incomplete adults, but as young people called directly to him.”
Extract from: Protecting Children: A Biblical Perspective on Child Rights,” World Vision
The Asian Hope Board realizes that no organization is immune to the horrors of child abuse. Our Child Protection Policy is a proactive measure taken by the board and senior management to protect the children and teenagers within the organization from possible harm and abuse. The Bible is very clear on how we are to respond to children as it was modeled by Christ’s love and concern for them. We are called to follow in Christ’s example and show concern and care for those that we interact with and especially for those who are in our care.
We start with a presumption of trust and confidence in those who work with children, and the good sense and judgment of their leaders. Our recruitment process is rigorous and all confidential references require an answer to this question, ‘’Do you know of any reason why this person should not be allowed to work with children?’’. Alongside this all staff must submit a criminal record report.
Asian Hope Schools will seek to ensure that all incidents or reports of incidents are attended to promptly and professionally. All allegations will be taken seriously. The alleged victim will not be held responsible in any way.

Asian Hope International School is a member of the Child Safety and Protection Network [CSPN]
CSPN is a collaborative network of mission agencies, faith based NGOs and international Christian schools intentionally and strategically addressing the issues of child protection.
The Network began in September 2006 and now has 111 organizations who are part of the network. Each year at least 2 staff members attend this organisation’s Response Team Training.
Asian Hope Schools conduct annual training for all staff. For Cambodian staff it is led by a Khmer team in Khmer. For new staff there are sessions during the ‘new staff orientation’ week. For all staff the training takes place in the orientation to the new school year.
Quick Links
Child safety Report FormOrganisational Response to a Child Safety Report
Other Resources:
Link to Protecting Children: A Biblical Perspective on Child Rights,” World Vision pdf
Resources from CSPN
Link for online safety